Monday, April 4, 2011

Texas Comptroller Susan Combs sides with Governor Rick Perry

On a posting from February of this year, Texas Comptroller Susan Combs sides with Governor Rick Perry’s approach to economic development. I don’t really care to much about what is being to done help improve our economy but after reading this article and hearing about budgets cuts in education, I should care more. The number of job loses proposed throughout the states in education is ridiculous.

Why would we eliminate the teachers that help future generations make this world a better place. We should be encouraging the young ones to graduate or obtain a GED instead of discouraging them from seeking higher education simply because the budget is all kinds of crazy and the only way to fix is to increase tuition and taxes. This makes me want to just say “screw it all!”.

If we don’t help the less fortunate rise from the bottom, how can we expect to have a productive government and economy that keeps this state running to meet our expectations as residents of the state. We as the taxpayers want to see to value for the money we work hard for as mentioned in the article. Why is it the states budget issues the taxpayers problem. The government always finds a way to relief themselves from a difficult situation by screwing over the people that they are governing, its citizens.

So far from what I have read, the way Governor Rick Perry is trying to fix the budget and economy seems fair to everyone. To read more and obtain your own opinion check out the posting in Capitol Annex.

1 comment:

  1. I was reading this piece on Blogging Out Loud, and I totally agree with you and the article. Im glad to see Texas doing ok and is one of only 15 states adding jobs. But this should not focus on just adding simpler labor. We need to protect our educators, and the funding of K-12 education. Its sickening how many educators lost their jobs. How can we expect to push the limits and create new technologies, (Perry’s funding of the Emerging Technology Fund) if we don’t push kids to thrive in school and go beyond the standard education. By cutting educational funding, all we are doing is telling the school kids to do one thing (continuing education) and doing the complete opposite (creating more simple jobs) and cutting the funding of their educations. If we cut the education short, then we are going to cut our own throats sooner or later. “Combs applauded the Governor’s call for new initiatives to encourage young Texans to graduate from high school or obtain GEDs and to obtain the skills needed for in-demand jobs.”

    “Combs is already in the lead on Gov. Perry’s call to control spending by streamlining government, eliminating duplication’’ This is where we need to be cutting funding, take extra money from the government, and make them really work for what the people want. We do expect a value for our money, and I think the government should take some responsibility for their actions resulting in the budget shortfalls. If the economy is truly in a bad way, then everyone should share the shortfalls evenly, but it always seems that the government can point the finger in any direction except in the mirror. So I think the Government should feel the pain so they'll understand what really needs to happen.
