Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hmm...non-tax revenue?

I came across a post titled “ Your money now belongs to the state, but don’t worry- it’s not a tax”. The title caught my attention being that it has something to do with my money. Harold Cook states that a subcommittee will take a look at “non-tax revenue” to help balance the budget. I had no idea what non-tax revenue was until he defines it. So, non- tax revenue as defined by Mr. Cook is money or other assets the state has stashed away in various places. Basically the state tells a little lie and creates a tax for a specific purpose. The public then pays the tax year after year, then the money being collected grows in numbers and results in special funds. All this money that the citizens of Texas have paid over the years is now called “non-tax revenue”. Wow, so I would like to make the state of Texas pay me a tax for the purpose of being able to pay my kids college tuition and later just call it non-tax savings or whatever. So Mr. Cook actually agrees with what this subcommittee is set to do. Instead of cutting teachers from public schools or kicking grandma out of a nursing home, the state should just dip into the special funds. I agree with Mr. Cook, why not use the money we have already handed over and put it where it is most needed instead of just letting it sit there, laughing at us. I think that the author of this blog did a good job of making me understand a little more on how sneaky our state is. To read more check out Letters from Texas.

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