Monday, May 2, 2011

The first use of Pentobarbital on a Texas inmate

Today in the Austin American Statesman, I read about a terrible man named Cary Kerr who raped and murdered a defenseless woman without mercy near Forth Worth, Texas 10 years ago. Today May 2,2011 he is scheduled to die. Kerr has requested an appeal which was denied as well as a clemency that was turned down by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. Kerr is the first Texas inmate to be executed using a new drug approved for sedation in capital punishments called Pentobarbital. This new drug is being used due to shortage of sodium thiopental another drug used for sedation in the drug mixture for executions carried out in Texas. The condemned inmates states, “This is a drug not even supposed to be used on pets, and yet they’re saying we’re using it on a human being?” He also mentions that he is not volunteering to test nothing for the state.

Seriously Kerr do you really think that the victim you raped and murdered volunteered herself? I don’t think so but yet you committed the crime without thinking about it twice. It’s so sad that this inmate feels he deserves some kind of special treatment after the crime he committed 10 years ago. Pentobarbital has been FDA approved for human use for the treatment of seizures and preoperative sedation. What is he worried about then? I feel that he did volunteer himself to be the first Texas prisoner lab rat to be tested with pentobarbital, if not then he wouldn’t have raped and murdered a woman and later found guilty and convicted of his sinful acts.



    After reading a recent blog posted by Anabel last week, I have to say that I unquestionably agree with her. She writes about an inmate who was scheduled for execution by a new drug that filled the place of another that had a shortage. This inmate, Cary Kerr, not only raped but killed a woman. He argues about having be the first inmate to be injected by this new FDA approved drug, while knowing that this particular drug has not been even been used on pets. According to the article, the new drug is Pentobarbital. This drug, one of the three used during executions, takes the place of sodium thiopental due to shortage.

    Anabel writes about how inmate Kerr does not want to volunteer himself to the state for testing of this drug . She makes a very good point when she states how the victim he raped and murdered certainly didn’t volunteer for that to happen to her. How is this any different? He didn’t have sympathy for this woman so why should the state of Texas have sympathy for something that is deemed safe and has already been FDA approved. After reading her article, I learned that Pentobarbital is also used for seizures and preoperative sedation. I feel this inmate does not any valid arguments when it comes to this particular situation. It’s been ten years and his time is up. The world is a better place without murderers walking around in it.

  2. I agree that Cary Kerr does not really have any room to talk about the method of sedation used in his execution. I feel his appeal is a insult to the person he raped and murdered that Kerr feels he has the right to retort to the states choice of sedation method used in his execution. If it was up to me Kerr would not have the privilege of being cognitively absent from his sentence, a luxury he denied his victim. Also I do not believe he is in a place to regard himself as a higher state of being than my pets, they are much better behaved and civil than he has shown himself to be.

  3. In the commentary on the article entitled, "The first use of Pentobarbital on a Texas inmate," the author states how this drug was just recently used on an inmate named Cary Kerr who raped and killed a woman in Fort Worth, Texas. He was denied both and appeal and clemency and was sentenced to die on May 2, 2011. Kerr objected to being the so-called "guinea pig" and claims that it is unfair to be volunteered for such an experiment. The reason that the switch was made from one drug to the other was because of the lack of enough sodium lithiopental, the previous drug that had been used for executions.

    I completely agree with Anabel when she says that Kerr sounds completely ridiculous when he is pleading his case saying that it isn't fair to be treated with this new drug. Well obviously, life isn't fair especially for the lady he had previously raped and killed. In my opinion, we do inmates on death row a favor by giving them lethal injection. If I were in charge, I would make it so that they would have to suffer through their execution just like their victims had to. Many of the people on death row are lucky to live as long as they do when they commit such disgusting crimes. Thank god they don't have a choice in any of this.
