Saturday, May 14, 2011

Future teachers of Texas watch out

On a post titled, “The Evaluation of Evaluations” written by one of my classmates, Jake Gossman. He talks about a bill the senate passed that will have public school teachers evaluated on their performance. The bill states that after a teacher is evaluated they may be fired immediately and with no reason given. Mr. Gossman feels that this may lead to a lot of future lawsuits. A problem that Mr. Gossman found with the bill is what is going to be the “measure” for performance. He is not in favor of this bill passing at all.
I think that I would like the bill to be passed due to fact that it would improve the way our teachers teach and present information for their students to learn.  I think that a lot of teachers today take it very easy with their students when teaching their material. I have a friend who will soon get her degree in teaching and she actually cares about her the work she turns into to her own teachers and I know she will be a great teacher.  A lot of people getting their degrees in teaching don’t care enough about teaching children material they will actually learn and like what they have learned. They just teach to get paid. Mr. Gossman may be right in that a lot of lawsuits may come out of this but at least new teachers know what to expect and will give 100% on all material they teach their students. I think senator Shapiro is doing a good thing by trying to get this bill passed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The first use of Pentobarbital on a Texas inmate

Today in the Austin American Statesman, I read about a terrible man named Cary Kerr who raped and murdered a defenseless woman without mercy near Forth Worth, Texas 10 years ago. Today May 2,2011 he is scheduled to die. Kerr has requested an appeal which was denied as well as a clemency that was turned down by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. Kerr is the first Texas inmate to be executed using a new drug approved for sedation in capital punishments called Pentobarbital. This new drug is being used due to shortage of sodium thiopental another drug used for sedation in the drug mixture for executions carried out in Texas. The condemned inmates states, “This is a drug not even supposed to be used on pets, and yet they’re saying we’re using it on a human being?” He also mentions that he is not volunteering to test nothing for the state.

Seriously Kerr do you really think that the victim you raped and murdered volunteered herself? I don’t think so but yet you committed the crime without thinking about it twice. It’s so sad that this inmate feels he deserves some kind of special treatment after the crime he committed 10 years ago. Pentobarbital has been FDA approved for human use for the treatment of seizures and preoperative sedation. What is he worried about then? I feel that he did volunteer himself to be the first Texas prisoner lab rat to be tested with pentobarbital, if not then he wouldn’t have raped and murdered a woman and later found guilty and convicted of his sinful acts.