Monday, April 18, 2011

Rewarding the criminals is a big NO, NO!

In a blog titled, “The White and Black of Government,” by Erika De Los Santos, some things were mentioned that caught my attention on posting titled, Paying Criminals for their crimes. Why in the world would taxpayers be okay with paying youths in Texas prisons for cleaning, cooking and administrative services. The reason they are locked up is for a crime that was committed, not for helping an elderly man or woman with their groceries. Paying these criminals for doing what must be done on a daily basis should not be an option. De Los Santos mentions that the money to pay these individuals comes from tax payers and on top of that, their wages are tax free. As mentioned in her blog, we plan to dismiss teachers and principals to meet with budget cuts, then we certainly can cut the money being used to compensate the bad behaved youths. Another point mentioned in her blog that I liked was “people learn from their mistakes the hard way, if not, they have no consequences to encourage positive behavior. By allowing this program to continue, we only encourage for more criminals to appear and the more money it costs the state of Texas to keep them locked up for however long. The dollar amounts mentioned were absolutely goofy. I can not believe that the state of Texas spends that much money on this “student employment” program. I agree with De Los Santos when she states that young offenders must learn from their mistakes and that it takes hard work to make it right. No criminal should be allowed the privilege of compensation while locked up that righteous people earn on a daily basis for good behavior.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Texas Comptroller Susan Combs sides with Governor Rick Perry

On a posting from February of this year, Texas Comptroller Susan Combs sides with Governor Rick Perry’s approach to economic development. I don’t really care to much about what is being to done help improve our economy but after reading this article and hearing about budgets cuts in education, I should care more. The number of job loses proposed throughout the states in education is ridiculous.

Why would we eliminate the teachers that help future generations make this world a better place. We should be encouraging the young ones to graduate or obtain a GED instead of discouraging them from seeking higher education simply because the budget is all kinds of crazy and the only way to fix is to increase tuition and taxes. This makes me want to just say “screw it all!”.

If we don’t help the less fortunate rise from the bottom, how can we expect to have a productive government and economy that keeps this state running to meet our expectations as residents of the state. We as the taxpayers want to see to value for the money we work hard for as mentioned in the article. Why is it the states budget issues the taxpayers problem. The government always finds a way to relief themselves from a difficult situation by screwing over the people that they are governing, its citizens.

So far from what I have read, the way Governor Rick Perry is trying to fix the budget and economy seems fair to everyone. To read more and obtain your own opinion check out the posting in Capitol Annex.